If you are wanting to increase your savings in tax advantaged accounts, there are three things you can still do for 2021 if you have some cash available. You have until April 15, 2022 to make regular IRA, Roth IRA, and Backdoor Roth IRA contributions. 2021 contribution limits for all types of IRA’s are $6,000 per person ($7,000 if you are over 50). Whichever IRA type you use, they are a great way to increase your retirement savings in a tax advantaged account if you have cash to invest. For purposes of this article, let’s dive deeper into Backdoor Roths, especially since there is some discussion in Congress of eliminating them in the future.
Many of our higher earning clients have maxed out their 401k contributions and are wanting to make additional contributions toward retirement. (Yes, it is a wonderful problem to have!) Taking a few extra steps to move the money into a Roth IRA could result in tax free earnings on the money – forever.
Because of the limits on making tax-deductible contributions to IRA’s, many higher earning taxpayers don’t consider IRA contributions. Similarly, Roth IRA contribution limits prevent high earners from directly contributing to a Roth IRA. However, there is a path for Roth IRA contributions even for the highest earners. The strategy takes advantage of two distinct provisions in the tax code. First, the strategy takes advantage of the ability for most taxpayers, even high earners, to make non-deductible contributions to a Traditional IRA. Secondly, the strategy takes advantage of the fact that most taxpayers, even high earners, can convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. The result of the two-step process is a balance in a Roth IRA, even when a direct contribution is not allowed, and that is why it is often called a ‘Backdoor Roth IRA contribution’.
There are more than a few traps to the strategy, and so I do highly recommend that you employ an advisor or CPA. One key rule to keep in mind is that converting a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA is normally a taxable event. If you have existing Traditional IRA accounts where you have made deductible contributions, or existing Traditional IRA accounts that are the result of a 401k or other pre-tax rollover, then the conversion could be at least partially taxable.
With proper execution however the strategy results in significant advantages. Like direct Roth IRA contributions, there is no immediate tax deduction, however, the earnings on the Roth IRA grow tax free and are not taxed even when ultimately distributed in retirement. This is a wonderful strategy for those that are trying to make sure they are saving enough for retirement or are trying to catch up on savings for retirement. If you would like to learn more and see if a backdoor Roth IRA contribution would be right for you, please give us a call.